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Make Your Library Great in 08 February 16, 2008

Posted by sharynheili in Libraries and Librarians.
1 comment so far


As it turns out, there are very simple ways to make you library grr-r-r-eat!  But you knew that already didn’t you?  Here are some ideas from a WebJunction Webinar by Edmund Rossman III, “10 Ways to Make Your Library Great in 2008–via Web 2.0” 1/16/2008)

  1. Use Technology
  2. Continuously Train
  3. Polish your Comportment
  4. Reduce Clutter
  5. Handle Noise
  6. Handle Conflict
  7. Have a Plan
  8. Develop Partnerships
  9. Create Great Programming
  10. Build Staff Camaraderie

See the complete webinar slides at WebJunction.

Sharyn Heili

Libraries and Librarians–A Glimpse Into the Future???? August 22, 2007

Posted by sharynheili in Future, Libraries and Librarians.

Libraries in 2010

Watch this video. It’s a scary (and funny) reminder of what could happen if we stay stuck in the past and do not continue learning and leading.

Snaryn Heili